September 10, 2009

Scale says ...

Hmm ... I sound a bit like Richard Dawson, don't I?

The good news is, I lost 3 pounds at my official Weight Watchers weigh-in Wednesday evening. The bad news is, my last meeting was on Aug. 17.

At least the scale was down and not up. After a couple of weeks of vacation from both work and my WW plan, (and most of a week of being about 85 percent on plan), I wasn't sure what to expect. Last Friday, when I first got on the scale, I was pleasantly surprised that the 190s weren't staring me in the face. That's what I half expected.

But I got back to work — and back on track — and I guess it paid off. I'll take a 3-pound loss for three weeks!

Now, I'm on a quest to lose 14.8 more pounds to get to my WW goal. And I want to do it by Thanksgiving. That's 1.3 pounds a week, actually — completely do-able, right? Right. I just need to focus.

But I'm not going to try to be perfect. I read these words of wisdom from Roni over at Roni's Weigh last night. She was being interviewed by Trish, another blogger, who asked, "If you could give readers one piece of advice, what would it be?"

Roni's very wise response?

You will never be "perfect". Not your diet, not your body, not anything. Do your best everyday and make the best choices you can to live a happy, active, healthy life. When you relieve yourself of the pressure of perfection you just might be able to reach your goals.

So I will focus on doing my best to make the best choices I can, every day. But I will not try to be perfect, because none of us can ever be that.

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