I'm catching up on episodes of "The Biggest Loser." I have several backed up in my DVR, and I think I stopped watching at about the same time I started concentrating on my novel-writing.
It all comes back to that balance problem of mine. When I'm writing, I'm not doing the weight-loss thing the way I should and vice-versa. I need to find a nice, even balance between the two.
I suppose we all do. If balance came easily, none of us would need to lose weight. We'd all already be perfect. ;)
How about 12 hours on, 12 hours off?
Nah. That won't work. Speaking of things that won't work, have y'all heard of "The Skinny Switch"? I keep watching that infomercial, wondering if it could really be that simple — "two days eating, one day treating."
Then, when I think about it, it's not all that different from WW, with the Flex Points. You could spend 2 days eating just the daily Points allowance, then use a chunk of FPs on that third day, no problem.
Something to think about, I guess. Right now, I'm not so convinced WW is the way to go. I know it works, but for some reason, I've been unable to make it work for me lately, because I've flat-out been unable to stay OP.
I've even entertained the idea of going back on Atkins ... except for the fact that I'm not sure I could eat that way for the rest of my life. There was a time when I thought I could ... but then I fell off the low-carb wagon and couldn't get back on. Also, I never made it to Atkins' "lifetime maintenance" phase. I was perpetually in Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL).
I know I can lose on Atkins, because I lost 110 pounds doing it. Of course, I regained 70 of them once I stopped doing the low-carb thing. It took 2 years to lose it and 2 more to regain it.
Maybe I should shake it up a little bit by trying the Skinny Switch or 6 Week Body Makeover. Then again, maybe I should just stop making excuses and start doing WW properly. I know it works, too.
4 days ago